This is how we solve the problem of cancer
As the Education Scholar for UVA's NIH-funded Center, I created a video series about systems biology and its use in cancer research.
Cahn Hilliard Dynamics
Constraining parameters in the Cahn Hilliard equation to model biological condensates in mitosis.
Network Control of Cell Identity and Plasticity in Small Cell Lung Cancer
One of my goals with my dissertation presentation was to make it accessible to a wide audience, including fellow grad students, professors, and family and friends. I use animation to accomplish this, starting from the basics of cell identity and ending with the impact my research on small cell lung cancer could have on treatment decisions.
BooleaBayes Part 3- Using data to build a network for Small Cell Lung Cancer
We begin to look at how BooleaBayes, the computational tool developed in the Quaranta lab by David Wooten, PhD and me, can be applied to Small Cell Lung Cancer Data.
BooleaBayes Part 2- Network Structure and Dynamics
This post takes a look what information we will need to gather in order to understand how cell identity is controlled.